However, my German is rusty to non-existent. So I have to really on Google Translate and Babel Fish.
Here's the original German review of the AKG K 840 wireless headphones from February 10, 2011:
"Echte Spitzenklasse!
Es ist wirklich nicht viel, was AKG mit diesem Produkt verspricht: Musik (oder auch Filme) - ohne Kabel und die Anderen in der Wohnung stören zu müssen - bei sehr gutem Klang zu genießen. Meinen Wunsch, SACDs ungestört und in entsprechender Qualität anhören zu können, erfüllt dieser Kopfhörer vollkommen. Der kristallklare Ton - ebenso in Tiefen, wie in Hohen Bereichen - wird einwandfrei, störungsfrei und hörbar unkomprimiert wiedergegeben. Dabei werden Geräusche aus der Umgebung kaum noch wahrgenommen. Wenn ich damit das Wohnzimmer verlasse, kommen erste Aussetzer erst nach 8-9 Metern, je nach Wand dazwischen. Mehr als 13 Jahre lang habe ich den Hearo 777 gehabt und der Wechsel zum K 840 hat sich gelohnt! Der Preis ist vielleicht noch etwas überraschend, wenn man den Klang vorher noch nicht gehört hat. Alternativen wären zum Preis weit über dessen gewesen, kann also nicht klagen, schöner Klang ist halt seinen Preis wert. Zu mp3 Fans: Selbst mein Handy kling über diesen Kopfhörer fantastisch, meine selbstgedrehten älteren Filme noch mit mpeg2 Ton lassen sich wirklich genießen. Wer Interesse daran hat und es sich leisten kann, dem kann ich den AKG K 840 KL nur empfehlen. Viel Spaß damit!"
"Real Class!
It really is not much that AKG promises with this product: music (or movies) - without cable and disturb the others in the apartment to have - with very good sound to enjoy. My desire to listen to SACDs undisturbed and in qualitative met, these headphones perfect. The crystal-clear sound - just as in depth as in high areas - is perfect, trouble-free and listen to native played. It sounds from the environment are hardly noticed. If I use it to leave the living room, first come first misfire at 8-9 meters, depending on the wall in between. More than 13 years I have had the Hearo 777 and the change to K 840 has been worth it! The price is perhaps a bit surprising if you have not yet heard the sound before. Alternatives would be at a price far been on the can, so do not complain, beautiful sound's just worth the price. For mp3 fans: Even my cell phone sounding fantastic on these headphones, my old self-made video with MPEG2 audio can really enjoy. Anyone who is interested and can afford it, I can recommend the AKG K 840 KL only. Have fun!"
And the Babel Fish version:
"Genuine Top Class!
It is not really much that promises AKG with this product: Music (or also films) - to have to disturb without cables and the others in the dwelling - to enjoy with very good sound. Mean desire to be able to listen to SACDs unimpaired and in appropriate quality fulfills to this headphone perfectly. The crystal-clear clay/tone - likewise in depths, like within high ranges - is audibly unkomprimiert shown perfectly, troublefree and. Noises from the environment are hardly still noticed. If I leave thereby the living room, first misfires interfere only according to 8-9 meters, depending upon wall. More than 13 years long I had the Hearo 777 and was worthwhile myself the changes to the K 840! The price is perhaps some more surprising, if one did not hear the sound before yet. Alternative ones would have been at the price far over its, can not complain, beautiful sound are thus not worth to stop its price. To mp3 fan: Even my mobile phone sound fantastisch over these headphones, my turned older films still with mpeg2 clay/tone can be really enjoyed. Who has interest in it and it can afford, to which I can only recommend the AKG K 840 KL. Much fun thereby!"
And here's the original German review of the AKG K 840 wireless headphones from March 2, 2011:
"Sehr guter Klang, Rauschfrei!
Plus: Sehr guter Klang, kein Rauschen. Empfang im Haus bis zu 10 Meter (auch durch Gipskartonwände und Holztüren) sind kein Problem. Guter Tragekomfort. Sendeeinheit fungiert am MP3/Radio-Player als Antenne (Radioempfang auch drahtlos möglich). Auch "funklos" mittels beigelegtem Kabel zu verwenden.
Minus: vielleicht der Verkaufspreis in Europa"
Minus: vielleicht der Verkaufspreis in Europa"
First up, the Google Translate version:
"Very good sound, noise free!
Plus: Very good sound, no noise. Reception in the house up to 10 meters (including through plasterboard walls and wood doors) are not a problem. Good fit. Transmitter acts as an antenna on MP3/Radio-Player (radio and wireless available). Also "funklos" means to use the enclosed cables.
Minus: perhaps the sale price in Europe"
And the Babel Fish version:
"Very good sound, intoxication freely!
Plus: Very good sound, no noise. Receipt in the house up to 10 meters (also by gypsum cardboard walls and wood doors) are no problem. Good stretcher comfort. Transmission unit functions at the MP3/Radio-Player as antenna (wireless reception also wirelessly possible). Also " funklos" to use by means of settled cable.
Minus: perhaps the selling price in Europe"
And there we have it. The AKG K 840 wireless headphones look to be popular in Germany. Looking forward to further distribution of these excellent wireless headphones worldwide.
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